Executive Protection can add to the daily time management of the CEO & create ROI
What if you could save millions of dollars each year by having someone else do the work for you? Sounds crazy, right? What if you could actually earn more by paying someone else to secure your time and ensure your safety without having to lift a finger?
Any entrepreneur worth their salt understands that the most valuable human asset is time. Getting to the next meeting; securing funds for the next investment; making plans to travel for an important event. These are all important steps on the ladder to the future of your company.
At 001, investing in your time is one of our top priorities when approaching the multi-leveled operation of any successful global organization. What better way to coordinate and execute a multi-tiered temporal strategy than with the well-established aid of industry professionals who specialize in this specific area of industry?
“Lots of companies don’t succeed over time. What do they fundamentally do wrong? They usually miss the future.” – Larry Page, CEO of Google
In securing the high quality lifestyle of CEOs across the globe, 001 ensures the safe arrival of top-level executives in a manner that ensures security and enforces a strict adherence to a polished protocol, making life easier for busy professionals, who already have a lot on their mind. Before there is ever a need to address an emergency, our highly trained executive protection agents and office professionals, headquartered in Beverly Hills, California, establish a determined plan, which includes the swift arrival and efficient departure based on the client’s time management and investment needs.
For instance, if there is a meeting in Shanghai where a top-level executive is required attendance and that executive earns $100M gross income per year, each day in his schedule approximates a total of $380K per day. Each hour in that schedule accounts for $16K, based on a 24-hour day. When considering a 12-hour working day, each hour would approximate $32K. If one hour is lost due to poor planning, mistakes, or disasters encountered along the way, that company and CEO suffer sufficient financial damage. By investing $1M in Executive Protection, that CEO is saving up to $7.3M in lost hours that year alone – a huge return on investment.
Billionaire clients and top-performing CEOs understand the necessity of efficient execution and meticulous time management. Beyond achieving the peace of mind that comes with securing a formidable task force at your immediate retrieval, the fiscal benefits attached to pre-planning and preparation through delegation are unmistakable in their returns.
By executing a style of thorough preparation, 001 guarantees the successful attendance of international meetings, conferences, speaking engagements, and airport travel at a cost that pales in comparison to the potential revenue lost in the face of poor time management. In fact, by investing in the time management ensured by taking preparatory security measures including:
- Detailed Advances
- Protective Intelligence
- Navigation of International Travel Routes
- Coordination of Arrival & Departures
- Hotel Security Checks
- Protection Details
- Prepared Medical Response if needed
- Advanced Personnel Background Checks
- Threat Assessments
CEOs are able to enjoy the additional revenue-boosting perks of thorough executive protection, such as:
- Ability To Conduct Business in Transit
- Seamless Transition From One Meeting to Another
- Speedy Response to High-Risk Situations
- Ability To Pay Attention To Business Matters Instead of Security Matters
- Peace Of Mind
By successfully accommodating to the schedule of a CEO, conducting work ahead of time and continuing to work after the client has been dropped off at home, 001 ensures a speedy arrival well into the future.
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